Multifield Events

Transaction multifield events are very similar to general use events with some notable relationship and functionality variances. This section explains those variances.

General Structure

Multifield events retain most of the events building blocks, and are configured between <MultiField> tags. Each multifield is identified by a <Name> element, which is how the multifield is identified in event processing. Each multifield may have its own set of Events, however it will not have its own Math section. The multifield can access Global ScreenMath from the transaction.

The general structure for Events is: Events>Event>Math>ActionSet>and/or QuerySet.

The general structure for Actions is: Actions>ActionSet and/or QuerySet>Condition>Action>Else.

Multifield Syntax

There are three types of events that are supported in multifield processing:OnLoad, OnChange and OnSubmit.

Event syntax remains the same, with the addition of two new <Action> attributes: MULTIFIELD and INDEX.

The MULTIFIELDattribute is used to identify the multifield name where the action is to occur. If only the MultiField is referenced then the event occurs on the entire section.

The INDEXattribute is used to indicate the position/row of the field the action is to occur on (starts at 0). If INDEX is used then only the field for that index will be impacted.

The FIELDattribute is an existing attribute that identifies the field name where the action is to occur. When used with MULTIFIELD this indicates which field within the multifield will be impacted. If INDEX is not indicated all instances of that field within the multifield will be updated.

Important   Please see the XML Configuration Guide, which can be accessed from the Help menu, for a list of all elements, attributes and values needed for configuration. View Transaction Rules | Transaction Elements | ActionEvents.

Additional Multifield Event Considerations

  • Events configured within the “calling” business rule will be able to designate whether the entire MultiField section, or any of the multifields (names) within the section are visible or editable (enabled or disabled).
  • ActionSets and QuerySets configured within the MultiField business rule will be able to access (use) fields that are configured within the same MultiField section (name).
  • Events configured within the MultiField business rule will be able to affect properties and values of only those fields that are configured within the same MultiField section (name), and only fields with the same index.

  • Each MultiField business rule’s multifield (name) may have its own set of events.
  • Events configured within the MultiField business rule will NOT be able to affect fields configured within the “calling” transaction rule.

  • Events configured within the MultiField business rule will NOT be able to designate whether other multifields (names) are visible or editable (enabled or disabled).